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Shaping Who You Are

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You may be a mother, daughter, sibling, companion, and friend, but are you connected to the core of your divine being? Shaping who you are on the inside, begins with channeling internal awareness, realization, and revelations that enhance your self-discovery.

Internal Awareness

Internal self-awareness is the relationship between you and that voice inside your mind. That quiet, inner voice can sometimes become loud and overpowering.  Thoughts of disappointment and uncertainty can emerge when you are not where you had hoped, or perhaps you are walking in a new path.  You may be working hard, yet it feels like the grinding is not paying off.  This can make you feel overwhelmed or depressed.

Every time a rush of negative thoughts arises, slow your breathing down.  Feed your mind with encouraging words and allow your heart to open up.  Take note of the positives in your environment–the air you breathe, your heartbeat, your shelter, and your safety. Praise that!


Sometimes, your own thoughts are just words or ideas that represent a perceived reality rather than facts.   They may stem from negative influencers in your environment, or they may come from within.

Consistently take in moments of gratitude.  Shut out the loud, constant, and often negative chatter with an affirmation or an encouraging prayer. Gently accept the voice that creates negative thoughts as the fearful parts of you. Remind yourself of who you are becoming! Most importantly, know the difference between thinking and doing, as repetition is vital in renewing your mind.

Begin incorporating this Serenity Prayer daily and feel the words in your heart and mind.

“Lord grant me the SERENITY to ACCEPT the things I cannot change. The COURAGE to change the things I can change, and the WISDOM to know the difference between the two.“


Silencing the world’s chaos and personal challenges around you is the first step in strengthening the relationship with your inner being.  I challenge you to connect with your inner voice today. Find a quiet place without distractions.  Take 20 minutes to curiously observe and reflect on the following questions:

  1. What is your inner voice saying to you?
  2. Is your first thought truth or a perception?
  3. Is it difficult to challenge the thought?
  4. Does your inner voice create a conflict?


A Deeper Connection

Widen your lens of possibilities and make a deeper connection to the divine parts of yourself.  That inner voice that holds you back may just need you to lay your burdens down, push through thoughts of defeat, create SMARTER-HEART Goals, and begin living intentionally.

I welcome the opportunity to walk with you along your journey.  Together, let’s start shaping who you are.  Click here  to sign up for a free 30-minute introductory coaching session.